Jesus The Merciful Healer

Jesus The Merciful Healer

48 but Jesus asked him, Judasare you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”  49 When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, should we strike with our swords?” 50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear.51 But Jesus answered, No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.
1 Peter 4:48-51
Jesus healed a slave of the high priest who was sent to help falsely imprison and harm him. His love was far greater than the offense of the slave's actions. Jesus's love demonstrates the love spoken of by Peter when he said "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins" 1 Peter 4:8 NIV. Jesus's love covered the great sin of the slave and he gifted the slave with healing and restoration that he did not deserve. Not only did Jesus introduce healing into that painful moment of betrayal towards him he also brought calm and wisdom. With swords drawn and his disciples prepared to defend him Jesus chose to introduce calm into the chaos that surrounded him. He directed his disciples to put down their swords and he peacefully allowed the crowd of priests, captains of the temple guard and elders to arrest him. Jesus demonstrated so much grace, authority, wisdom and healing in his actions. He could have easily called upon a multitude of warring angels to defend and destroy his false accusers but he chose to have mercy and humbly fulfill the call God the Father had on his life. Jesus could have easily stooped down to the level of those who mistreated him but he chose to rise above their misdeeds and he behaved in a manner that benefitted them the most. He chose to move forward in Father God's plan for the Cross and salvation. Jesus' love and healing grace knew no bounds.
Thank you Jesus for the sacrifice you made upon the cross on my behalf. Like the slave you healed, I too am guilty of betraying you. I too have been guilty of rejecting you and your love. Thank you for not giving me the death, Hell and complete separation from you that I deserve. Thank you for saving me, gifting me with your Holy Spirit, healing and restoring me. I ask that you will help me to love others in a way that honors you. May I not take the bait of Satan by being consumed with bitterness, hate and anger towards the offenses of others. When I am confronted with offensive behavior towards me please help me to follow your lead by acting with dignity, righteousness, love and peace. May I be a vessel that you can shine through no matter the circumstance. I love you and it is your mighty name I pray, Amen.
- Your Sister in Christ Latoya